Τρίτη 28 Μαρτίου 2017

A New and Updated Emergency Response Kit

We just stumbled on a longer preparedness items list (a.k.a. 72Hour/Ready Bag) than what is usually suggested by the official and unofficial Emergency/Preparedness sites

It comes from the Preparing Your Home, Family, and Business for Terrorist Attacks manual, by Congressman Robert Pittenger and the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare.

The particular changes we have noticed are:

1. The addition of Chlorine disinfectants (Lysol or Clorox sprays)
2. The addition of Cartridge and filter masks (stand to reason since it is a terrorist attack preparedness list)


3. The extended shelf-stable food items suggested.
We may be reading a lot to this, but unofficial observations and reports from preparedness exercises around the US tell us that meaningful/mass aid for the public will not come until after a week or more.

Here is the list:

Ready Bag Contents

1 gallon of water per per­son, per day (at least)
Waterproof matches
Duct Tape
Flashlight with extra batteries
Clothing with long sleeves and pants
3 day supply of any medi­cations taken regularly
Manual can opener
Cartridge and filter masks
Knife or scissors
Extra cash
Radio with extra batteries or portable hand-cranked radio
Hand sanitizer
Hand tools (hammer, etc.)
Plastic garbage bags with ties (for human refuse and other garbage)
First Aid Kit
Games for children
Protein bars
Canned fruits
Shelf stable milk
Canned soup or pasta
Energy bars
Poncho or rain gear
Hat or cap
Feminine hygiene supplies
Lysol or Clorox sprays
Paper towels and toilet paper
Signal flare
Sturdy gloves
Blanket, pillows, or sleeping bags
Copies of important family documents such as insurance policies, ID and bank account records; store in a waterproof, portable container
List of doctors and rela­tives to be notified if you are injured

Take the initiative, be Prepared!

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